
 Can you help me install Movable Type?

This is a supplement to the Movable Type installation instructions. It is not meant to replace...

 Custom error documents in addon domain .htaccess files not working

Symptom: ErrorDocument directives in .htaccess files under addon domains do not function or...

 Enabling register_globals

Symptom: A client's script requires that register_globals be enabled.Resolution: Globals are not...

 Expression Engine installation generates "variable references" error

Symptom: Expression Engine installations older than version 1.3.1 generate an "Only variable...

 HOW TO: Combat referer spam/block certain referers

Symptom: A client wishes to deny access to their site (or parts of it) when the traffic is...

 How do I add an auto_prepend directive for wordfence (and other scripts)?

1. Create a file called user.ini in /home/yourusername/public_html/ from the file manager...

 How do I change the PHP Max Upload file size?

In an .htaccess file in the same directory as the script, include this line:php_value...

 How to disable wp-cron.php

The purpose of the wp-cron.php script is to run scheduled items (such as future posts) and is...

 How to get back to the Wordpress classic editor after upgrading to v5+

Log in to the Wordpress dashboard. Choose Plugins from the left navigation column. Choose "Add...

 How to increase max_input_vars

To increase the max_input_vars required by a script if the system value is insufficient, the...

 Installing a standalone form to mail script

Download a suitable form to mail script, such as the script available at <a...

 My phpBB forum installation is not accessible

Symptom: Client cannot access phpBB forum installation. Permissions on the forum installation...

 PHP script error: FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!

<b>Symptom: </b>The following error appears on a site running a php-based...

 PHP script warning error: strict standards in use

In PHP versions 5.4 and higher, older PHP scripts that are not syntactically compatible with the...

 PHP scripts using include() functions generate errors

Symptom: A php script using an include() function generates the following error:Warning: ...

 Troubleshooting CGI scripts

One of the most common errors when working with CGI scripts is the "500 - Internal Server Error"...

 Using mod_rewrite and .htaccess

Symptom: Client would like to redirect their main site to a subdomain under it. Using the...

 What is my absolute path?

The absolute path to your user directory is/home/yourusernameSome scripts may require further...

 What is the path to my account's logfiles?

The path is:/usr/local/apache/domlogs/yourdomain.comWhere "yourdomain.com" is your domain name.

 What is the path to mysql and mysqldump?


 What is the path to perl?

Either of the following paths are valid:#!/usr/local/bin/perl #!/usr/bin/perl

 What is the path to sendmail?

The following path is valid:/usr/sbin/sendmail

 What is the path to the server's shared certificate?

The path will be:https://servername.hmdnsgroup.com/~user/filename.htmlWhere "servername" is the...

 Wordpress 2.7 error: Cannot redeclare is_sticky()

Symptom: After upgrading to Wordpress 2.7, users who have the wp-sticky plugin active may see the...

 Wordpress and password protected directories

When Wordpress is installed in the top level directory of a site and permalinks are enabled,...